Tuesday, 26 April 2011

A Good Day

Without the crutch of alcohol my agoraphobia increased with a vengeance.

For years my safe place outside the house was my car, but after sobriety, even that didn't feel safe.

My panic attacks were unbearable, so I stopped going out.

This was in 2004, and apart from three trips I've not been out of the house since.


After a year therapy I left the house today!  I collected my 'safe' things to take with me, as discussed with my therapist.  In my bag I dutifully placed a cold bottled drink, my mobile and Ipod, my hands were shaking as I did it, my heart was racing and I felt like crying, but I was determined to do it this time.

To beat my demons bit by bit.

My therapist arrived, I waited for her at the gate in a bit of a state.  I took a few deep breathes and said, 'ok, lets go'.

We did one circuit and I opted to go for one more, I was so pleased the panic feelings kept to a minimum.

I didn't need my bottle of water, mobile phone or ipod that I took as comfort 'toys'.

Sober, and a trip out in the car.

A great day!


Elizabeth Peregrina said...

Wooooooo hooooooo. One small step for woman kind!

I'm an alcoholic said...

:-)) Thank you:-) Next tuesday is looming fast, have to do it again. Will let you know how I get on:-) x